En el punto de mira
Programa detallado
Todas las presentaciones y debates serán en inglés, a menos que se indique lo contrario
Parte 1 - 5:00 UTC a 9:00 UTC
- 5:00 UTC Presentation
- 5:05 UTC Introduction to the Periodic Table Challenge
- 5:10 UTC Basic science for finding solutions to environmental problems such as E-waste; Needs for Global North-South dialogue
- 5:35 UTC Igniting a Global North-South Dialogue about Responsible Production and Consumption
- 5:45 UTC Environmental Impact Assessment Based on Basic Science
- 6:00 UTC The African Synchrotron Light Source and its contribution to basic science in Africa
- 6:10 UTC Global efforts to address the environmental impact of additive chemicals in recycled plastic products
- 6:35 UTC Assessing the current state of the planet and the future environment through ice core records
- 6:55 UTC Connection between Arctic climate change and extreme weather events in mid-latitudes
- 7:10 UTC Effects of climate change on future plant-herbivore interactions
- 7:25 UTC Mimicking Nature: making efficient and sustainable biocatalysts
- 7:55 UTC Understanding Climate Change Risks for Cities
- 8:10 UTC Utilization of Carbon Dioxide Resource for Sustainable Development
- 8:25 UTC Scientific ‘redemption’ for ocean plastic pollution
- 8:40 UTC Phytoremediation techniques guarantee agriculture safety in high geological background region
- 8:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Parte 2 - 9:00 UTC a 13:00 UTC
- 9:00 UTC Presentation
- 9:05 UTC Introduction to the Periodic Table Challenge
- 9:10 UTC More Science of Life for Better Science for Life
………………………………. - 10:00 UTC Panel: Biophysics for Global Health and Sustainability
- Using structural biology and biophysics to design rational malaria vaccines
- From fundamental enzyme catalysis towards sustainable agriculture
- Biophysics for better respiratory medicine
- Getting prepared for the next big pandemic – is it possible?
- 11:30 UTC Basic Sciences: the Driver of STEM Education for Sustainability
- 12:00 UTC Solutions to Plastic Pollution
- 12:30 UTC Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Relevancy of Basic Sciences in Proving the Rights of Nature
- 12:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Parte 3 - 13:00 UTC a 17:00 UTC
- 13:00 UTC Presentation
- 13:05 UTC Advancing science collaboratively generates technologies relevant for all
- 13:30 UTC Beyond world-class science – developing a sustainable radio astronomy observatory
- 13:55 UTC Conversation with younger scientists
- 14:30 UTC Interdisciplinary research at the European XFEL: A team effort
- 14:50 UTC Interdisciplinary approaches for better and sustainable software at the European XFEL
- 15:10 UTC Panel: Gender equality in science
- 16:05 UTC What have accelerators ever done for us?
- 16:30 UTC The ITER Project: collaborating on basic science for a new energy future
- 16:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Parte 4 - 17:00 UTC a 21:00 UTC
- 17:00 UTC Introduction
- 17:05 UTC Introduction to the Periodic Table Challenge
- 17:10 UTC Environment and sustainability at CERN
- 17:45 UTC Collaborative projects with high school students
………………………………. - 18:30 UTC Panel: Big Science and Sustainability
………………………………. - 20:00 UTC A Ciência como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento sustentável e a redução das desigualdades (em português)
- 20:25 UTC Cutting Edge Particle Physics: an Opportunity for Ocean and Climate Science
- 20:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Parte 5 - 21:00 UTC a 1:00 UTC (martes 6)
- 21:00 UTC Introduction
- 21:05 UTC Presentation of the Periodic Table Challenge
………………………………. - 21:10 UTC Panel: Basic science for sustainable development, the case of Latin America and the Caribbean
………………………………. - 22:45 UTC Science, Action! The winning videos.
- 23:00 UTC La experiencia del Concurso Argentino de Crecimiento de Cristales (en español)
- 23:25 UTC Paseos Botánicos Ecológicos, un completo enfoque pedagógico científico participativo (en español)
- 23:50 UTC Environment and sustainability at TRIUMF
- 00:15 UTC Science meets sustainability
- 00:30 UTC Mother Tree Project
- 00:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Parte 6 - 1:00 UTC a 5:00 UTC
- 1:00 UTC Presentation
- 1:05 UTC Introduction to the Periodic Table Challenge
- 1:10 UTC Astronomy for development
- 1:35 UTC Modern physical methods in environmental research for the benefit of mankind
- 2:20 UTC From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections
- 3:20 UTC Sustainability and Vacuum Technologies
- 3:50 UTC Science, Action! The winning videos
- 4:00 UTC Cultural heritage activities at the Italian Institute for
Nuclear Physics - 4:30 UTC Power laser facilities for sustainable development
- 4:55 UTC Periodic Table Challenge results
Sobre el Año Internacional
Las ciencias básicas han sido fundamentales en la lucha contra la pandemia de COVID-19. Fue la ciencia básica la que nos permitió saber que la infección está causada por un virus, cómo es el virus, cuál es la secuencia genética y cuáles son las variaciones.
Las ciencias básicas son fundamentales para todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida: incluso la World Wide Web, que usted está utilizando ahora mismo, se inventó en el CERN a partir de la necesidad de colaboración global en experimentos de física básica, y se desarrolló utilizando potentes algoritmos.
El Año Internacional de las Ciencias Básicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible es un momento clave de movilización para convencer a los dirigentes económicos y políticos, así como a todos los ciudadanos, de la importancia de tener en cuenta y dominar las ciencias básicas para garantizar un desarrollo equilibrado, sostenible e integrador del planeta.