Synchrotron-light sources are super microscopes with different sets of experimental techniques. Those are powerful enough to reveal the tiniest and the most vital details about matter; revealing the unknown of physics, chemistry, biology, pharmaceuticals and biomedicine, as well as materials science, environment and agriculture, many industrial sectors, in addition to cultural heritage and archaeology.

In addition to scientific discoveries, human capacity building, brain-drain reversal, gender-gap enhancement, diaspora networking, science for peace, and science diplomacy allowed SESAME to be the pioneer particle accelerator of the region, as well as, being a bridge of peace between its diverse cultures and societies, openning its doors wide to women scientists in the region allowing them to break the many stereotypes those are set against them in their societies.

The presentation, by Gihan Kamel, Infrared Beamline Principal Scientist/Team Supervisor will highlight how SESAME is – and will always be- an unforgettable experience of the Middle East scientists.

Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME) is the first synchrotron facility in the Middle East and neighboring regions. Its current Members are: Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine and Türkiye. It is an intergovernmental organization following the model of CERN. SESAME was developed regardless of any particular identity making it such an exceptional, unique, and motivating scientific facility that is inspired by scientists and diplomats through a substantial manifestation of international cooperation in such a turbulent region.


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