“IUPAC is an indispensable worldwide resource for chemistry”
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is the global organization that provides objective scientific expertise and develops the essential tools for the application and communication of chemical knowledge for the benefit of humankind and the world.
IUPAC accomplishes its mission by fostering sustainable development, providing a common language for chemistry, and advocating the free exchange of scientific information.
In fulfilling this mission, IUPAC effectively contributes to the worldwide understanding and application of the chemical sciences, to the betterment of humankind.
Core Values
IUPAC core values are the guiding principles that guide the conduct of the Union and its relationships with its stakeholders. IUPAC’s core values emphasize scientific excellence, communication, transparency, diversity, and ethical behavior. These behaviors are practiced by all of the Union’s volunteers, staff and stakeholders.
- Serving humankind by advancing chemistry worldwide.
- Viewing scientific excellence and objectivity as the cornerstone of all its work.
- Valuing collaboration and communication among all its stakeholders.
- Striving for diversity and inclusiveness in all forms.
- Respecting each other and the Union.
- Upholding the highest standards of transparent, responsible and ethical behavior.
- President: Javier Garcia Martinez
- Secretary general: Richard Hartshorn
- Treasurer: Wolfram Koch
- Vice President, President Elect: Ehud Keinan
- Past President: Christopher Brett
- Executive Director: Lynn M. Soby