The signature of a MoU between IUPAC and IUPAP about IYBSSD 2022.
The 17th June 2020, an online meeting has been convened with:
- Michel Spiro, Chair of the Steering Committee of IYBSSD 2022;
- Christopher Brett, President of IUPAC;
- Richard M. Hartshorn, Secretary General of IUPAC;
- Bruce McKellar, Treasurer of the Steering Committee of IYBSSD 2022;
- Luc Allemand, secretary General of IYBSSD 2022.
During this meeting, both Michel Spiro and Christopher Brett signed a Memorandum of Understanding that makes official the commitment of IUPAC toward the success of IYBSSD 2022.
In the short video, recorded through the online meeting software (sorry for the quality), Christopher Brett says a few word about why IUPAC wants to be part of IYBSSD 2022 and what he thinks important about this International Year.