ICIAM, a founding union of IYBSSD, produced a directory about how mathematics help to fight the COVID-19.
Mathematicians world-wide are contributing to the understanding of the Covid-19 epidemic, working with specialists such as microbiologists and virologists on mathematical models that take into account the different situations in different countries. ICIAM (International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) created a page on its website that collects these activities and projects from all over the world to provide a global view of the contributions of mathematics to help in the fight against COVID-19.
ICIAM is a society of mathematical societies from around the world. The links and information present in this page have been forwarded by member societies, and represent information hubs for applied mathematics activities related to COVID-19 of member societies.
We present here the links provided at the day of publication. For updates, please refer to the original page.
- Simulations in Brazil (Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo
- Research works, support material, and simulations of mathematicians with respect to the Covid-19 epidemic in Brazil (SBMAC).
- CeMEAI – USP Research projects on COVID-19
- Mathematical modelling of SARS-Cov-2 dynamics inside the human body: A working group on the physiology of Covid-19 in Alberta
- Understanding the coronavirus trends from mathematical point of view: Research in China
- Mathématiques et pandémie: Mathematicians researching the epidemic and mathematicians talking and writing in different media supports. Most entries are in French, some in English.
- Mathematics of epidemics (an online SMF’s ressource, with links to articles, videos and other websites)
- La recherche mathématique en mots et en images: an epidemic
- A special issue of the MMNP journal
- Intern. J. of Production Research Special Issue: Viability of Supply Networks and Ecosystems: Lessons Learned From COVID-19 Outbreak
- MODCOV19: a CNRS modelisation platform against the pandemia (related to the international projects CARE and REACTing)
- Trends in Covid-19 Spread: Jan Heiland’s blog
- Maddmaths page of the Covid-19 (an initiative bringing together the four societies UMI, SIMAI, AIRO and AILA)
- Mathematical actions against the coronavirus in Spain: Links and contributions (Comité Español de Matemáticas)
- By applying population growth models to worldwide corona data, Eindhoven statisticians/data scientists are able to calculate the expected number of new infections and deaths from the Covid-19 virus for the near future. For twelve countries – China, South Korea, the US, Canada, Iran, Italy, France, the UK, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands – they are trying to make the most accurate daily forecast, one to three days ahead, and for some countries also estimate the maximum number of confirmed infections. Using the daily new data, they continuously improve their models to make the estimated numbers more reliable. Follow this page for a daily update on their latest predictions: News and overview
- A bit of math to constrain epidemics
- Imperial College London COVID-19 model and estimates country by country
- Progress using COVID-19 patient data to train machine learning models for healthcare
- Royal Society’s call: Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic: RAMP
- Alan Turing Institute’s call for COVID-19 rapid response data science taskforce
- Coronavirus COVID-19 (a webpage of the Royal Society).
- Free AMS Mathematical Modeling Books and Journals available during COVID-19 pandemic
- SIAM Epidemiology Collection, focused on disease modeling, pandemics, and vaccines, is freely available to all for one year. Please share this important resource with your peers and students.
- Mathematical Resources to Help Understand COVID-19: SIAM has gathered this collection of resources to facilitate a better understanding of the virus and associated research surrounding it; it will be regularly updated.
- Dmitry Bertsimas (MIT) Page on Analytics of COVID-19
- University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, COVID-19 Hospital Bed Utilization Projections (by country and state/region, assuming full social distancing through May 2020) based on this article
- INFORMS page on operations research and Information on COVID-19 and Pandemics
- AMS Resources & Updates related to COVID-19
- COVID-19 Update (a webpage of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA))
- SIAM’s Response to the International Outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- Special issue of SIAM News on infectious disease modeling
- COVID-19 Response: SIAM Expands Journal Access to All Members
- Extensive Collection of SIAM News Articles Related to the Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19
ICIAM does not validate or endorse any of the contributions on this page. This list is intended as as a directory of efforts by the applied mathematics community in different countries.
Additions, comments, or suggestions are welcome: tweet to @ICIAMnews