How to put more science in health policy and planning
The working group “life and health sciences” has reviewed and discussed the proposals of the International “Mission of wise men and women” and presents their main suggestions:
- Knowing the role of the National Council of Science and Technology in health and the projection of the Health Program in the National Programs of Science, Technology and Innovation. In the same way, the articulation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection with the policies of the Ministry of Sciences, specifically with the health program.
- Reflecting on mechanisms of relationship between academia, industry and government.
- Approach the political sector and identify interests towards the strengthening of the national health program.
The strategies that have been identified to implement the proposals are as follows:
- Enrique Forero as president of the Academy, will send a statement to the Ministry of Sciences, presenting the actions that each working group is carrying out as an accompaniment to the “Mission of wise men and women”. The communication will consult on the role of the National Council of Science and Technology in health and projection of the Health Program in the National Programs of Science, Technology and Innovation.
- A working group will be created with the members of other groups of the Academy, which will allow the consolidation of relationship mechanisms between the academy, industry and government. It is necessary to generate a draft of ideas that will enable the approach to be carried out.
- An approach will be made to the congressmen and their local and regional Legislative Work Units who are interested in working for the health program. It is expected to generate mechanisms that allow an initial political control over the health program and the use of resources, which also lead to consider the possibility of starting the formulation of a bill. Likewise, it is imperative to know the policies of the health care companies (EPS) regarding health research. In the previous processes, different focuses and working groups could be linked in order to find points of articulation.
This series of posts is about the “Mission of wise men and women” follow up that has been made by working groups convened by the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. More information can be found (in Spanish) on the Academy website.