Sharing the Recommendation.
It is also the responsibility of scientists and of policy makers to share this recommendation, and make sure that its content is know from as many people as possible. Here are some proposal to make it known. We also envision that IYBSSD 2022 will give many opportunities (this one to begin with) to share this recommendation, and to help put its content in application everywhere.
- Present it in research symposia
- Prepare a module for online training or as part of a university curriculum
- Find ambassadors in your research community to promote the Recommendation and champion its elements (such as those pertaining to gender, human rights and societal impact)
- Engage science journalists, writers and opinion leaders to reflect on and give meaning to the Recommendation
- Organize roundtables or panels to discuss the Recommendation and the role of science and scientific research in achieving the SDGs and confronting global challenges
- Refer to norms of the Recommendation in your policy and administrative documents (e.g., scientific research policies and programs, codes of conduct for researchers) and when promoting themes such as women in science or ethics in research
This post is based on a text published by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.
We terminate for now, after this first presentation of the recommendation. We will not fail to come back to it.