Sustainable development, research and Green Education: a Summer School in Venice, Italy is dedicated to green chemistry.
The tragedy of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted, as never before, the limits of the industrial development, which in the 20th century led to devastating consequences for the quality of human life. The policies of governments worldwide are now increasingly oriented towards sustainable development based on Green Chemistry, renewable energy, environmental protection, new technologies in industrial and agricultural production processes.
With forty years of experience, Professor Pietro Tundo from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, internationally recognized pioneer of Green Chemistry and known scientist for his research in Organic Chemistry, has created the Green Sciences for Sustainable Development Foundation, GSSD. The Foundation is located in Venice, a symbolic city in which culture, art and science merge, thus becoming the “crossroads” of sustainable development in the world. Its mission is to promote and disseminate sciences according to the 17 Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, promoting research and training of young scholars from all over the world and supporting institutions for the realization of these objectives.
The summer school
The Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School, organized and managed by the Foundation, will be held in Venice from 4 to 10 July 2021 in hybrid mode (online and onsite). Last year over 200 students from 43 countries attended online, while this year’s edition will be attended by post-doc students from 50 countries who will follow the lessons of renowned teachers from all over the world, including the Nobel Prize Jean-Marie Lehn.
Alongside the traditional sessions dedicated to Green Chemistry (clean industrial processes and products, new reaction mechanisms, recycling, education), this year a particular relevance will be dedicated to the production of energy (bio and photovoltaic), hydrogen in metallurgy, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic. The Summer School is intended to become a permanent event at an international level, bringing together renowned scientists and selected students who will bring to their countries what they have learned in Venice.
A large support
The Summer School is endorsed and sponsored by the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, OPCW, the Municipality of Venice, the Region of Veneto and PhosAgro.
For the first time, four PhosAgro awards for outstanding contributions to the field of green chemistry will be established within the framework of the Summer School in honor of the company’s 20th anniversary.
The main chemical societies will take part in the event: Amercian Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker.
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These informatiosn have first been published by GSSD.