The African School of Physics has evolved to be much more than a school. It now organizes scientific conferences
The second biennial African Conference on Fundamental Physics and Applications, African Conference on Physics, ACP2020/ACP2021 is planned on December 12-18, 2021, at the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh, Morocco, in connection with the African School of Physics, ASP2020 / ASP2021.
The ACP2020 scientific program includes invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, and discussions in:
- Astrophysics and Cosmology;
- Nuclear and Particle Physics;
- Accelerator, Medical and Radiation Physics;
- High Performance Computing;
- Physics Education;
- Physics Communication;
- Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency;
- Material Physics;
- Quantum Information.
Abstract Submissions
The contributed abstracts will be evaluated by the conference committee, for acceptance or rejection. Only the selected abstracts will be scheduled for oral or poster presentations. ASP has no funds to cover conference participants; they are encouraged to seek full travel coverage before registering. To submit an abstract, please go here.
ASP alumni and others, not involved in ASP as organizers or lecturers, may register to attend ACP2020 at their own expense. The conference committee reserves the right to accept or reject registrations. To register for ACP2020, please go here.
Students that wish to attend ASP2020, should be registered for the school through the ICTP online registration: only the selected students will receive full coverage to attend the school and the conference.
We invite all researchers interested in science in Africa to submit abstracts—in the topics mentioned —for consideration for oral or poster presentations!
For inquires, contact the Organizing Committee.
This post has first been published by ASP.