As per its title, this recommendation has two concerns: science, and those who make it.
In this third post on the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, we look at the major themes emphasized in the Recommendation. They are all the more important since these themes will largely structure IYBSSD 2022, and this International Year will help to promote them.
Thus, this recommendation stresses that science is a key factor in sustainable development. It also acknowledges that science is a common good of humanity. And it calls on all UNESCO Member States (and others) to make long-term investments in the development of scientific research.
In addition to science, this recommendation focuses on researchers themselves. It calls for the importance of scientists and their work for society to be recognized and valued. They should be supported accordingly, both financially and in terms of their working conditions in general. In particular, the context in which they carry out their activity should ensure that they can adhere without restraint to the criteria of ethics and integrity in research.
For more information, you can of course read the Recommendation itself, but also the presentation made by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.