The 5th edition of the ‘Polish Scientific Networks’ holding at Wrocklaw University, between June 3 – 5, is the occasion to present the latest data on how climate changes impact both environment and society, and how best to respond to them.
Climate change is of great importance to the way the modern world functions. We are already witnessing some changes, e.g. melting glaciers, increasing acidity of the oceans, species’ range shift, storm surges, and heat waves.
Moreover, the changing environment is expected to cause more heat stress, an increase in waterborne diseases, poor air quality, and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents.
Climate change affects art, politics
Extreme weather events can compound many of these health threats and facilitate the spread of pandemics. Climate change also affects our art and culture, modifies our lifestyles and political agendas.
The Polish Scientific Networks conference entitled “Climate Change – Science & Society” will bring together leading Polish climate change researchers and experts from around the world. It will be held in English.
Presentations and discussions
Presentations and discussions will be grouped in 11 sessions, which will cover a diverse range of topics from climate change impacts on landscape, cryosphere or oceans to climate impact on our lives.
In addition, the organizers have also planned workshops devoted to, inter alia, climate change misinformation in media as well as climate protection as a common concern of world society.
Abstracts submission
The organizers are the Polish Young Academy of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Association of the Foundation for Polish Science Scholars. Young researchers and practitioners wishing to contribute to the conference are invited to submit their abstracts by April 15, 2022.
The detailed schedule of the event will be announced in May.
For more information please visit PSN 2022 website.
The Polish Academy of Sciences first shared this post.