Two years after 193 Member States passed a resolution at a UNESCO General Conference in 2019, the ‘Open Science Recommendation’ has been adopted.
The UNESCO recommendation on Open Science was unanimously adopted by Member States during the Science Commission plenary.
The road to the Open Science Recommendation being adopted commenced with a resolution from the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2019, where 193 Member States tasked UNESCO with the development of an international standard-setting instrument.
That instrument, the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, has now been adopted by Member States at the Science Commission plenary at its 41st General Conference, paving the way for it to be passed at the full General Conference.
As reported in the IUGG E-Journal Vol. 21. No. 8 (item 5), the International Science Council (ISC) supported this initiative with a delegation. IUGG was represented by Christophe Cudennec and Nilay Dogulu (both IAHS).
This report was initially shared by IUGG.