1 International Year combining Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development
Michel Spiro then proposed that scientists from all the basic disciplines should mobilise, in order to show the importance of their contributions to progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
An International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development would show the ways in which curiosity-driven research is vital to ensure good health for all, to overcome hunger, to fight climate change, to preserve terrestrial and marine biodiversity, but also to increase world peace and fight inequalities. Together, researchers from all fields will reach out to the general public and to decision-makers, both public and private, to support the development of the basic sciences, especially in parts of the world where they are still insufficiently developed.
Michel Spiro also proposes that this International Year should take place in 2022 and 2023, midway through Agenda 2030. In addition, 2022 will mark the centenary of two important international scientific unions, IUPAP (Physics) and the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
The initiative was enthusiastically welcomed by the international unions that were represented to this meeting: