The Quebec Research Funds has mandated ‘Science and Technology Observatory’ to produce an update on its research investments. This is to also assess its research capacity, says a communique.
In her constant bid to promote Quebec research, the Quebec Research Funds, has once again called on the Science and Technology Observatory to produce an update on Key figures about its research missions.
The update will factor a set of indicators of research projects sponsored or directly carried out by Quebec, a communique by the Funds says.
Quebec’s research investments
The update, which highlights Quebec’s research investments, research capacity, and scientific production, makes it possible to trace the evolution of Quebec research’s efforts and to compare it with that of other Canadian provinces and OECD countries.
Part of the communique reads: “Québec scientific production has grown considerably and relatively steadily between 2000 and 2019, rising from approximately 8,000 to more than 18,000 publications for all three major research sectors. In 2019, 60% of Quebec scientific publications were produced in international collaboration, with at least one author from another country.
Quebec’s share in research grants
“The share of research grants from the three federal granting councils obtained by Quebec researchers fluctuates slightly from 1999 to 2019, oscillating between 26% and 28% of the Canadian total, while they represent 23% of Canadian faculty. They are therefore over-represented among the recipients of federal subsidies
“What’s more, Quebec’s share in the granting of Canada Research Chairs went from 23% in 2000 to 29% in 2019. Covering the three major research sectors, this collection of indicators draws a general assessment of Québec’s research efforts, university research funding, publications and patents. It is a high-quality information resource, rich in data and observations on local R&D.”
This full text of the communique can be found here.