Many development projects are run by the Office of Astronomy for Development, says Jose Miguel Espinosa, the Secretary General of the International Astronomical Union.
The IAU has many activities. It has an Office of Astronomy for Development and this office carry many projects. They have a fellowship from the SKAO, which is a radio telescope that is been implanted in South Africa. They have a grant for hackathons. These hackathons are very popular and people come from everywhere to participate in the hackathons.
Coild you give an example of how astronomy is concerned with the environment?
Since astronomy is very appealing to everybody, the sky has to be transparent and we are against the constellation of satellites that pervade the sky. We are against. But we try to mitigate the side effects, both on luminescence of the satellite and the radio emission of the satellites.
What are your hopes for the International Year?
Probably, most people do not associate science with development. And I think after this International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development the association will be made more easily.