“Ensuring continuity and coordination of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research conducted in the most important areas of natural, technical, medical, agricultural, social and human sciences”
The Russian Academy of Sciences is a scientific organization that conducts scientific research in the Russian Federation.
It is established on scientific, industrial and territorial principles. The structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences includes branches in the fields and sectors of science, and regional branches.
Every year the Russian Academy of Sciences submits to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation the reports on the scientific researches carried out, scientific and technological results, as well as proposals on the priority directions of development of basic and applied sciences.
The subject of the Academy’s activity is ensuring continuity and coordination of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research conducted in the most important areas of natural, technical, medical, agricultural, social and human sciences, expert scientific support of activities of public authorities and scientific and methodological guidance of scientific and technical activities of scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education.
- conducting and developing fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society, and man, and contributing to the technological, economic, social, and spiritual development of Russia;
- expert scientific support of activity of state bodies and organizations;
- assistance to development of science in the Russian Federation;
- dissemination of scientific knowledge and raising the prestige of science;
- strengthening the links between science and education;
- promotion of the status and social protection of scientific workers.
Main tasks
- development of proposals for the formation and implementation of the Russian Federation scientific and technical policy;
- carrying out fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research funded from the federal budget, participation in the development and coordination of the program of fundamental scientific research in the Russian Federation for the long-term period;
- expert examination of scientific and technical programs and projects;
- provision of scientific-consulting services to State bodies and organizations, performance of expert functions;
- study and analysis of achievements of world and Russian science, development of recommendations on their use in the interests of the Russian Federation;
- strengthening scientific ties and interaction with subjects of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity;
- preparation of proposals aimed at development of material and social base of science, increasing the degree of integration of science and education, effective implementation of innovative potential of fundamental science and increasing social protection of scientific workers;
- popularization and propaganda of science, scientific knowledge, achievements of science and technology.
Main types of activities
- carry out, including at the request of public authorities of the Russian Federation, examination of scientific and technical programs and projects, monitoring and evaluation of the results of activities of State scientific organizations regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as examination of scientific and (or) scientific and technical results created at the expense of the federal budget;
- participate in the development and expert examination of the normative legal acts in the field of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activities, protection of intellectual property in accordance with the established procedure;
- prepare and submit to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation reports on the state of basic sciences in the Russian Federation and on the most important scientific achievements obtained by Russian scientists;
- develop proposals on priority directions of development of basic sciences, as well as on directions of scientific research;
- develop and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation recommendations on the amount and types of budgetary allocations provided in the federal budget for the next fiscal year for financial support of fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research conducted by scientific organizations and educational organizations of higher education, and on the directions of their expenditure;
- represent Russian scientists in international scientific unions and their governing bodies, participate in activities of other international scientific organizations, concludes agreements on scientific and information cooperation with academies of sciences and research organizations of foreign countries, participate in organization and holding of international scientific congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars;
- carry out editorial and publishing activities, including publication of scientific monographs, establish and publish scientific journals in which the results of scientific research carried out by Russian scientists are published;
- establish scientific, expert, coordinating councils, committees and commissions on the most important areas of science and technology development;
- perpetuate the memory of outstanding scientists, establish medals and awards for outstanding scientific and scientific-technical achievements, including gold medals, awards named after outstanding scientists, medals and awards for young scientists and for students of higher education programs;
- establish honorary titles and award them to Russian and foreign scientists.
- President: Alexander Mikhailovich Sergeev
- Vice President: Andrei Vladimirovich Adrianov
- Vice President: Yury Balega
- Vice President: Valery Bondur
- Vice President: Irina Mikhailovna Donnik
- Vice President: Valery Kozlov
- Vice President: Nikolay Makarov
- Vice President: Valentin Nikolaevich Parmon
- Vice President: Valentin Ivanovich Sergienko
- Vice President: Alexey Removich Khokhlov
- Vice President: Valery Charushin
- Vice President: Vladimir Pavlovich Chekhonin
- Chief Scientific Secretary: Nikolai Kuzmich Dolgushkin