A T-shirt to promote participation of women in crystallography congress
During the 26th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, held in Melbourne from 22nd to 29th August 2023, the “Women in Crystallography” project will be in the limelight again. It will be the third time since its launch in Oviedo, Spain, at the 31th European Crystallography Meeting, in 2018, and with a more international scope. A new T-shirt will be available for sale at the Dectris, IUCr and STOE exhibition booths, all of which are supporting and sponsoring this initiative along with the European Crystallography Association.
The money collected will be used to support more and more female crystallographers to attend congresses and schools around the world.
The idea was inspired by another project born in 2015: the “Women under high pressure” movement with the aim to improve the participation of women, especially young scientists, at events around the World and to create a balanced attendance among participants and also among the speakers.
The promoters of the initiative created the hashtag #Womenincrystallography to share on X (Twitter).
Read more in IUCr Newsletter.