Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología del CSIC El lugar de la ciencia básica en la investigación y en el desarrollo sostenible

Esta jornada será un encuentro de personal de áreas de investigación científica básica, en el marco del Año Internacional de las Ciencias Básicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En ella, directores de proyectos financiados por la UE u otras instituciones, expertos en política científica y representantes políticos debatirán sobre la importancia de la ciencia básica en…

Nature Education for Students of Tribal Schools of Gujarat

The programme aims create awareness and understanding of nature, empathy for the environment and also conservation of nature. Through this program, students and teachers will explore nature and trigger their sensitivity towards appreciation and its conservation, which will lead to positive environmental actions at different levels. About 80 students and 20 teachers (4 students and…

1st International multidisciplinary symposium Geopark & Sciences – From Research to Geotourism

This Symposium is an event of the UNESCO International Geoscience Programme project IGCP 737-SMART (Smart Geology for Better Community – Integrating Geological Heritage of South-eastern Europe into Sustainable Development Strategies). The special celebration of International Geodiversity Day will take place on 6th October as part of the Symposium programme. The Symposium aims to connect scientists…

Evidence of the Impact of Science Education in Attracting Young People Towards Science Studies and Science-related Careers

Europe seeks to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, good education and training are important to promote sustained economic growth and sustainable development through fuelling research and development and addressing innovation, productivity and competitiveness. In our increasingly scientific and technological world, the science workforce in Europe, is decreasing. Frequently school science curricula are not…


@LatinXChem is a virtual forum through which the community of Latin American chemists, located anywhere in the world, can share and discuss their research results and advances. Between the two previous editions, 2020 and 2021, more than 2,200 posters from 43 countries were received, with 20 million impacts on Twitter. The third event organized by…

Positioning Basic Sciences and Technology in Enhancing Digital Economy and National Security

The proposed conference by Faculty of Science is dedicated to provide a common platform for educational institutes, academia, government and industry to discuss key issues and new developments in the field of science, which is critical to the development of professional competitive edge. The overall objective of the proposed conference is to provide a platform…