Nature Education for Students of Tribal Schools of Gujarat
The programme aims create awareness and understanding of nature, empathy for the environment and also conservation of nature. Through this program, students and teachers will explore nature and trigger their sensitivity towards appreciation and its conservation, which will lead to positive environmental actions at different levels.
About 80 students and 20 teachers (4 students and 1 teacher from each tribal school) from 20 tribal schools will be invited to this programme. This workshop is scheduled for the students from secondary and higher secondary tribal schools for a period of 4-days. The programme is comprised of interactive sessions on plants and drip irrigation, drone activity, hands-on demonstrations, project work and presentations.
Experts/resource persons from Vigyan Prasar, Gujarat University, NID, etc. will be conducted on popular lectures on emerging Science and Technologies.
Visit to Nature & Heritage walkthrough across Ahmedabad and visit to different galleries of Science City. Awareness on World Ozone Day on 16th September 2022 will also be conducted.
Basic sciences provide the essential means to meet crucial challenges. These include universal access to nature, health coverage, food, energy, and communication technologies.
This workshop is going to encourage young students to pursue scientific careers through the understanding of basic science.
This four-day residential program is meant to inspire the young students as out nature education and observation with the introduction of different Sustainable Development Goals.
This training workshop is providing a unique platform for interaction with eminent scientists and experts from a different institution.
This workshop is going to provide an opportunity to get to know the basics of high-end technologies and an understanding of the use of state of art technology in sustainable development.
This will lead to the development of skills and nation-building through a basic understanding of science.