DDE Open Science Forum

Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) is the first big sciences initiative of IUGS, UNESCO’s principal partner in geological sciences and one of the largest scientific unions in the world which is commemorating its 60th anniversary in 2022. Launched in late 2018, DDE has grown despite the constraints on international travel and communications imposed by the pandemic.…

Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología del CSIC El lugar de la ciencia básica en la investigación y en el desarrollo sostenible

Esta jornada será un encuentro de personal de áreas de investigación científica básica, en el marco del Año Internacional de las Ciencias Básicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible. En ella, directores de proyectos financiados por la UE u otras instituciones, expertos en política científica y representantes políticos debatirán sobre la importancia de la ciencia básica en…

Nature Education for Students of Tribal Schools of Gujarat

The programme aims create awareness and understanding of nature, empathy for the environment and also conservation of nature. Through this program, students and teachers will explore nature and trigger their sensitivity towards appreciation and its conservation, which will lead to positive environmental actions at different levels. About 80 students and 20 teachers (4 students and…

Observation du système Terre : Les enjeux de l’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés

Ce colloque focalise sur l’approche interdisciplinaire de l’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés dans un soucis de partager les approches d’observations, de les reconnaitre et de souligner leur importance pour des approches à court, moyen et long terme. Toutes les disciplines contribuent aux efforts d’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés, et les apports et collaborations…

IYBSSD2022 Philippines Launch

This 7 October 2022, the IYBSSD Philippines (IYBSSD PH) will be launched to enjoin Filipinos to celebrate the importance of basic sciences to inclusive development. Dr. Michel Spiro will keynote the event, and will be followed by a talk show with five basic researchers/scientists in the panel. One of the panelists, National Scientist Lourdes Cruz,…

Chemist is Cool

In order to demonstrate the positive spirit of chemistry scientists and to highlight the chemistry, a basic science, the Chinese Chemical Society held the “Chemist is Cool” event. The research group is the most basic unit to carry out scientific research. Whether it is a few people, dozens of people to hundreds of people, each…