Understanding Behaviour 2023 Conference

Understanding Behaviour 2023 is a conference that aims to bring together researchers interested in studying different aspects of behaviour, ecology and evolution across scales in India. Behaviour is ubiquitous, and can be studied at various levels of organization, from single molecules to populations, using tools as diverse as microscopy, field observations and mathematical modelling. India…

Sciences fondamentales et développement soutenable : que faudrait-il changer dans nos recherches ?

La journée interroge la situation des sciences fondamentales dans le contexte du développement soutenable : fertilisations croisées, nouvelle dimension de l’éthique, soutenabilité des actions de recherche. Articulation entre savoirs fondamentaux et soutenabilité, éthique scientifique à l’heure de la crise écologique, pratiques de la recherche seront discutés sous forme d’interventions et de tables rondes de scientifiques…

Fundamental Life Science meets Climate, Environment and Sustainability – High-Level Summit

Basic research studies that are transdisciplinary in nature, create partnerships across the life sciences, social sciences, and environmental sciences and can greatly accelerate our transition to a more sustainable world. To support such collaborations, we need the support of policymakers, science funding leaders, universities, and those in government. In 2023, HFSP aims to be the…

Fundamental Life Science meets Climate, Environment and Sustainability – International Symposium

The science communities working on the current “big ticket items” like climate change, mitigation and adaptation, energy transitions, biodiversity, food security, and other global challenges under the U.N. Agenda 2030, have been historically “disconnected” from the biological research in all its forms. Yet, scientists working in fields such as cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, neuroscience,…