The faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid celebrated IYBSSD at the end of June 2023 with several inaugurations
As part of the Commemorative Act of the International Year of Glass 2022 and the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development 2022-23, organized by the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, held on June 26 in the Aula Magna of the Faculty, and presented by Ms. Mª José Mancheño Real, Professor of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Ms. Mª Teresa Villalba, Dean of the Faculty, proceeded to the inauguration of the model “The Chemical Laboratory. A window to science”, in the presence of the Vice Chancellor of Culture, Sports and University Extension Ms. Isabel Mª García Fernández, in which the National Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Spain (ANQUE) has participated as a sponsor.
After the words of welcome by the Vice Rector of Culture, Sports and University Extension, Ms. Isabel Mª García Fernández, and the Dean of the Faculty, Ms. Mª Teresa Villalba Díaz, the presentation of the commemorative plaques installed in the classrooms as a tribute to the deceased active teachers took place.
Rubén Miranda Carreño, Vice Dean for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure and Sustainability of the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, reported on the activities carried out and to be carried out in the year on the occasion of the International Year of Glass 2022 and the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development 2022-23. He presented the exhibition “The Contribution of Basic Sciences to Sustainable Development through Nobel Laureates”.
He made a summary of the activities carried out in collaboration with the Master of Ephemeral Architectures of the UPM. QUIZ Project: climate change #sin filtro (Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas) and the Mural of the periodic table, painting based on a distorted periodic table, by the group of urban artists “Boa Mistura”.
Mª Belén Yélamos, Vice-Dean for Academic Organization, Library and Outreach, presented the prizes for the “Scientific Literary Contest commemorating the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development 2022/23”:
- First Prize in modality 1, students of ESO, Bachillerato or FP intermediate grade to Romeo Hidalgo Núñez, for the story entitled “The layers of our world”;
- Second Prize in category 1, students of ESO, Baccalaureate or Vocational Training to Irene Sesmero Rubio, for the story entitled “The importance of perseverance”;
- Second Prize in modality 1, students of ESO, Bachillerato or FP Middle grade to Seán Hanniffy Martínez, for the story entitled “What do we do with microplastics?”;
- First Prize in modality 2, university students (undergraduate, master’s or doctorate) or higher vocational training student to David Díaz Durán, for the story entitled “The magic revealed: The science behind light and electricity”.
The catalog “Chemistry, a hand outstretched to society” of the series of conferences of the same name held during 2021/22, was presented by the Dean of the Faculty, Mrs. Mª Teresa Villalba Díaz.
This article is adapted from a release by ANQUE.