An insight into the International Mathematical Union commitment to, and actions for, sustainable development
The latest Newsletter from the International Mathematical Union, IMU News 121, features several informations that are of interest for IYBSSD, and for the coming International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (which begins to be known as IDSSD).
- An editorial by Ludovic Rifford, the Secretary for Policy of the Commission for Developing Countries
He reminds that a new composition of the commission has been established at the beginning of 2023, with the leadershipe of Argentine mathematician Andrea Solotar. The CDC’s mission is to support mathematicians in economically disadvantaged countries through programs and funding initiatives. They collaborate with organizations like the Abel Committee, the International Center for Theoretical Physics, and others. CDC is also implementing a new grants management platform and hosting webinars to engage mathematicians worldwide.
- Grants for mathematicians from so-called developping countries
Links to seven calls for application are given, for various level of advancement in their careers, and various purposes.
- Launch of a Study on Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological
The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) launches a study with three aims:- to gather state-of-the-art scholarship in socio-ecological mathematics education around the world and to engage in across-perspective dialogues;
- to explore the different ways in which a theorization of the socio-ecological influences the focus and methodological approaches of mathematics education research;
- to provide insight into the practical implications of socio-ecological research associated with the mathematics curriculum, pedagogy, teacher preparation and education-related policies, beyond traditional approaches.
- Proclamation of the 2024-2033 International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development by the UN General Assembly
Christoph Sorger, the Secretary General of IMU present the proclamation of the International Decade and states the commitment of IMU in this initiative. “We sincerely hope that mathematicians will take part in these activities and continue to show the fundamental role of mathematics among the sciences”, he writes.
Find all details in the full edition of IMU News 121.