Implementation of strategic plans should probably become a subject of research by itself, says Nadedja Komendentova, from IIASA.
We deal with the problems which have global character, or which need global methodology, or which are too complex to be treated within one discipline, and require interdisciplinary approach. Those problems are, for example, climate change, which requires cooperation of many countries, which requires multidisciplinary approach, which requires interdisciplinary approach, and the involvement of people from different disciplines. We look to governance of these contested problems and processes. So if you speak about contested, contested meaning that there is a process which has several points of use, several possibilities, several strategies and a compromise solution which would bring together the views of different disciplines, but also different stakeholders, would be helpful in the implementation of such a process.
What does this approach bring to sustainable development?
SDG implementation requires technology transfer. Like for example, renewable energies. Here we also help national governments, not only with the development of strategies for SDGs, but also with development of the roadmaps and action plans for the implementation. So also out of our discussions interactions, we could create some innovations.
What is your best wish for the International Year?
Maybe further attention should be raised to the areas such as Theory of Change: how the social changes are happening, what are the enablers of these changes? How it includes the norms and values starting from people and going to institutions? This strategic planning is one thing, and implementation is another thing. And probably they should go hand in hand, and probably implementation science by itself should also become a subject of research.