“A transformative Academy positively impacting scholarship, governance and equitable societal development in Uganda and beyond.”

The Uganda National Academy of Sciences is an independent, non-profit, nonpolitical, and membership-based service organization. UNAS was created to provide credible, balanced, and evidence-driven advice to the nation on matters of science and development.


The mission of the Academy is to improve the livelihoods, welfare, and prosperity of the people of Uganda through the development and enhanced application of integrated knowledge in the sciences and humanities.

Core Values

  • Scientific: UNAS consistently embraces strict application of the scientific method to ensure robust and unbiased study design, methodology, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of results. It provides the best possible science advice to its stakeholders.
  • Inclusivity: inclusivity seeks out and encourages participation of stakeholders, no matter their background, in constructively adding value to the Academy’s cause.
  • Virtue: virtue is excellence in UNAS actions. By acting with virtue, its members behave with integrity, accountability, and transparency for the purposes of contributing to society. Alongside behaving with virtue, UNAS members own their failures and their successes equally, in upholding their pursuit of excellence.
  • Responsiveness: UNAS addresses stakeholder needs and does so in a timely fashion.
  • Obectivity: UNAS endeavors to act independently and impartially. The Academy minimizes all types of bias when identifying its priorities, implementation, and provision of advice.
  • Collaborative learning: collaborative learning seeks out and investigates new ways of thinking. It is collaborative because it encourages mentorship, interdisciplinary scholarship, and active participation no matter one’s background.
  • President: Peter Ndimbirwe Mugyenyi
  • Vice President: Mary Goretti Nakabugo
  • Secretary General: David Justin Bakibinga
  • Treasurer: Grace Ndeezi

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