“Provided proper appreciation and financial support are forthcoming, it is one’s duty to stay in one’s country and build up schools comparable with those that other countries are fortunate in possessing”
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research has schools in Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science and Science Education, all of which are renowned throughout the world.
Its vision is to become a leading scientific research institution in the world, a major contributor to the growth of human knowledge and an institution that will educate and nurture the best scientists and mathematicians from India while contributing to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the development of scientific temper in the society-at-large. The core of TIFR’s vision is to retain the best scientific minds in the country by providing state-of-theart facilities, such as are available in the best laboratories in the world, and enable them to come up with the same quality of research as is being done in such places.
The mission of TIFR comprises the following :
- to set up and conduct top quality research in the country, in the areas of natural sciences, mathematics, computer science and science education;
- to set up state-of-the-art facilities incorporating advanced scientific technology;
- to foster new technologies arising from fundamental science, and incubate their early development, till they can be done in a separate and independent institution;
- to bring together outstanding scientists and mathematicians, provide them with world-class research facilities, and create a vibrant research atmosphere;
- to nurture and train the young scientific talent of the country, expose them to state-of-the-art research, and make them independent researchers on par with the best in the world;
- to contribute to the scientific development of the country by participating in the development of science curricula at all levels;
- to disseminate the knowledge of science and mathematics to the society in general through outreach activities, and thereby build up the scientific temper and a scientific outlook among the public.
- Director: S. Ramakrishnan
- Dean, Administration: Sreerup Raychaudhuri
- Dean, Finance: Devendra K. Ojha
- Dean, Infrastructure: Indranil Mazumdar
- Dean, Natural Sciences Faculty: Kalobaran Maiti
- Dean, Mathematics Faculty: Mj Mahan
- Dean, Technology and Computer Science Faculty: Pranab Sen
- Dean, Graduate Studies: Shubha Tole