“The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus”
The Academy of Sciences is the highest state scientific organization of the Republic of Belarus, organizing and coordinating basic and applied scientific research carried out by all subjects of scientific activity, conducting basic and applied scientific research, development, organizational and technical support for conducting state scientific expertise, acts as the head organization of the republic on scientific and methodological support of informatization development.
The main tasks of the Academy of Sciences
- scientific support of the economic, social and state-legal development of the Republic of Belarus, its culture, rational use and environmental protection;
- organizing and coordinating fundamental and applied scientific research carried out by all subjects of scientific activity, conducting basic and applied scientific research, developing major areas of the natural, technical, humanitarian, social sciences and arts in order to obtain new knowledge about man, society, nature and artificially created objects, increasing the scientific, technical, intellectual and spiritual potential of the Republic of Belarus;
- implementation of a unified state policy, coordination and government regulation of organizations in the field of research and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, with the exception of planning, distribution and effective use of the radio frequency spectrum;
- organization and conduct of research on the polar regions of the Earth;
- ensuring the introduction of domestic technologies in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, biotechnology, new materials and other high-tech sectors of the economy;
- implementation of scientific and methodological support for the organization of fundamental and applied scientific research carried out by all subjects of scientific activity;
- determination and submission for approval in the order established by legislation of lists of priority areas of fundamental and applied scientific research of the Republic of Belarus;
- identification of fundamentally new ways of scientific and technological progress, participation in the development of recommendations on the use of the achievements of domestic and world science in practice;
- ensuring the development of science in the Republic of Belarus;
- implementation, jointly with the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, accreditation of scientific organizations;
- creation of conditions for the development of scientific schools, the training of highly qualified scientific workers, the advanced training of scientists and specialists, including in foreign scientific centers;
- making in the prescribed manner proposals for the financing of scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus;
- conducting monitoring and operational sociological research;
- organization of monitoring of plant world and geophysical monitoring, monitoring of animal world and comprehensive monitoring of natural ecological systems in specially protected natural territories within the framework of the National Environment Monitoring System in the Republic of Belarus, scientific support for maintaining state inventories of flora and fauna.
Academy of Sciences in accordance with its main tasks:
- analyzes the state and predicts trends in the development of science and technology, the economy, the social and legal sphere, the level of technology;
- develops and approves, in accordance with the established procedure, state programs of fundamental and applied scientific research, prospective and annual plans for the most important research works in the Republic of Belarus and organizes their implementation;
- creates scientific and scientific and technical councils, committees, commissions on topical issues of natural, technical, humanitarian and social sciences and arts;
- determines, together with the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for the accreditation of scientific organizations;
- makes in the established order proposals for the improvement of legislation;
- defines the main activities of scientific organizations and other legal entities subordinated to the Academy of Sciences, manages their activities through its regulation and implementation of the powers of the owner with the analysis of the effectiveness of these organizations and the development of proposals for its improvement;
- provides training of scientific and pedagogical workers of the highest qualification;
- conducts fundamental, including oriented fundamental, and applied research and development;
- analyzes the level of fundamental and applied research and development in scientific organizations and institutions of higher education, prepares proposals to improve the efficiency of these research and development;
- carries out in accordance with the established procedure scientific examination of projects of the most important regulatory legal acts, departmental scientific (scientific and technical) examination of projects of tasks (actions) of scientific and technical and state programs, innovative projects;
- takes measures to develop its own scientific and technical potential, strengthen the material and technical base of the Academy of Sciences, organize pilot production of high-tech and high-tech scientific and technical products, create and disseminate new methods and means of researching patterns, phenomena and processes;
- develops and submits, in accordance with the established procedure, draft financing plans and material and technical support of fundamental and applied research and development, as well as capital investments for the development of scientific organizations and other legal entities subordinated to the Academy of Sciences;
- carries out international scientific and scientific-technical cooperation, develops mutually beneficial relations with the academies of sciences and other scientific organizations of foreign countries, carries out interstate scientific and scientific-technical programs and projects, participates in the activities of international scientific and scientific-technical organizations and associations, provides organizational and methodological support of the International Association of academies of Sciences;
- contributes to the improvement of the scientific level of the national education system, participates in the training of specialists with higher education and enhances the qualifications of the teaching staff of institutions providing higher education;
- involved in the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge;
- serves as a founder of commercial and uncommercial organizations, including scientific and training of highly qualified scientific personnel, educational institutions with the status of a university, as well as foundations;
- creates in accordance with the established procedure scientific and research-and-production centers;
- creates in the prescribed manner representative offices of the Academy of Sciences;
- participates in economic societies and partnerships;
- participates in the prescribed manner in the activities of legal entities of other states;
- creates its own and participates in the formation of state resources of scientific and technical information, its dissemination, including in domestic and international information computer networks, develops proposals for the legal, organizational and economic support of the development of the system of scientific and technical information;
- holds scientific sessions, conferences, schools, seminars and meetings, and also participates in such events;
- performs other functions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
- Chairman of the Presidium: Vladimir Grigorievich Gusakov
- First Deputy Chairman: Sergey Antonovich Chizhik
- Chief Scientific Secretary: Andrey Ivanovich Ivanets