Whatever your current position, give your views about the future of physics in Africa
Your inputs are sollicited for the development of the African Strategy for Fundamental and Applied Physics (ASFAP). You may submit your inputs — within the scope of ASFAP working groups — on anything you think is an issue, needs to be improved or is important for physics (fundamental or applied) education and research in Africa.
We refers to these community inputs as letters of Interest (LOI). We are asking for the LOI to be short documents of 2 pages or less (including tables and figures). The submitted LOI will be accessible only within relevant working groups of ASFAP for the purpose to define the major topics to be developed toward the African Strategy report.
LOI submission is open until November 2021. To submit an LOI, please go here.
Discussion in December
After the deadlines for LOI, the working groups will study them to define their major topics—these will then be discussed during the 2nd African Conference on Fundamental Applied Physics, ACP2021, planned for December 12-18, 2021.
Students, post-docs, teachers, lecturers, professors, senior professors, retired, university officials, research collaborations, professional societies, etc. may submit LOI as individual or groups. Anybody (whether Africans or not), from Africa or elsewhere, please give us your opinions through the LOI. Please disseminate through your networks.
Your voice and opinion count
You may submit more than one LOI, and you may submit LOIs in different categories—please see here.
Please submit your inputs so that your voice and opinion count towards the development of the African Strategy report.
For questions or comments: ASFAP-SteeringCommittee@cern.ch.