In this interview during IYBSSD opening ceremony, Barbora Bruant Gulejova, Strategic Development Lead of the International particle Physics Outreach Group, explained that those who wish to save the world from destruction should think of becoming a physicist, engineer or scientist.
To save the world…
If you want to save the world, you should consider also to become a physicist, engineer or some hard scientist. So if you think that this is what you like because that is a bright future for you and you can really contribute to this world.
So my organisation, which is International Particle Physics Outreach Group, is specialised in outreach and education, in particle physics and related sciences for all kinds of audiences globally, all ages. So we are really trying to show that particle physics is beautiful and it can explain how our world is working.
What disciplines do you think will help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?
I think it’s quite obvious to everybody that innovations and new technologies are at the heart part of the solutions for the SDGs. But what is much less obvious to the biggest part of the population is that, these innovations and new technologies result and will result from fundamental research, from basic science, and especially from physics. Physics is underlying, it’s a basis for all other natural or hard sciences.
What is your dearest wish for this coming year?
Worldwide in général, the interest of young generation to engage in STEM studies is decreasing, and this is obviously a very conter productive trend. If we want to solve the SDGs where we of course need new generation of STEM specialists, girls and boys who will tackle, who will create the new technologies and innovations for us. If you want to save the world, you should consider also to become a physicist, engineer or some hard scientist if you think that this is what you like because there is a bright future for you and you can really contribute to this world.
Interview by Laurent Orluc