Organizers of this year’s World Ocean Day have launched the 30×30 Conservation Action Focus program, together with the WOD 2023 Event Planning Toolkit.
The World Ocean Day is celebrated every June 8. It provides a unique opportunity for a wide array of organizations, schools, businesses, and communities to honor and celebrate the ocean that connects us all!
By uniting together, and with a special emphasis on engaging and connecting youth, we can significantly increase awareness and action, and generate the political will needed to create a healthier ocean, stabilize our climate and ensure a better future for all.
Whether you live on the coast or far inland, we all need a healthy ocean to survive and thrive and anyone can celebrate and take action for our ocean on and around 8 June!
Download the 2023 Event Planning Toolkit!
This year’s Conservation Action Focus
Recently, world leaders committed to protect 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030, also known as “30×30.” To ensure our nations’ leaders follow through on this promise, there will need to be a strong show of support!
By supporting 30×30, we can protect our planet’s life support systems – our ocean, climate, and biodiversity. With your help, and the efforts of thousands of other organizations worldwide, we will help grow the global movement by spreading awareness and gathering public support.
Learn more about this year’s 30×30 Conservation Action Focus.