
@LatinXChem is a virtual forum through which the community of Latin American chemists anywhere in the world can share and discuss their research results and advances. Between the three previous editions, 2020, 2021, and 2022, more than 3,000 posters from 43 countries were received, with 20 million impacts on Twitter. This initiative seeks to give…

ATAP Programme

This programme setup for the IYBSSD and beyond aims to offer travel grants of 5k$ to early career researchers working in low-income countries and wishing to spend a couple of months in their alma mater (Western universities where they prepared their PhD) in order to keep a good scientific level. The selection committee is composed…

XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Science for Sustainable Development”

It is expected that scientists, educators, and students in the field of ecology, sustainable development, natural resources management, chemistry, chemical technology, sociology, economics, and management will take part in the conference. The work of the conference will be organized in sections: – Environment and Sustainable Development; – Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development: – from Fundamental…

Sciences fondamentales et développement soutenable : que faudrait-il changer dans nos recherches ?

La journée interroge la situation des sciences fondamentales dans le contexte du développement soutenable : fertilisations croisées, nouvelle dimension de l’éthique, soutenabilité des actions de recherche. Articulation entre savoirs fondamentaux et soutenabilité, éthique scientifique à l’heure de la crise écologique, pratiques de la recherche seront discutés sous forme d’interventions et de tables rondes de scientifiques…