“Bringing together all physicists from Portuguese-speaking countries”

Objectives of the União dos Físicos de Países de Língua Portuguesa (UFPLP):

  1. To develop and provide conditions favorable to an environment of union among members, and of solidarity among physicists of the associated countries and territories, with a view to creating opportunities and decent conditions for the affirmation of the exercise of the profession;
  2. Cooperate, in the various fields of physics in which the professional activity of the physicist is developed, for the cultural, scientific, technological and economic development of the different countries and territories, under the principle of primacy and defense of the higher interests of their peoples, especially those most disadvantaged in terms of educational and research infrastructures;
  3. Provide channels for reciprocal collaborative relations and with international organizations of a professional and cultural nature, enhancing networks of collaboration and influence;
  4. Contribute to the promotion and defense of the historical heritage and the professional activity of the physicist and, in general, favor all activity that is related to the strengthening of the elements of cultural identity that unite them.
  • President: Rogério Rosenfeld
  • Vice President: Genito Amos Mauré
  • Vice President: Sónia Maria Vaz Semedo
  • Vice President: Pascoal António Mussuco Napoleão
  • Treasurer: Maria da Graça Medeiros da Silveira

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