“NASAC aspires to become the ideal science adviser and partner in the African continent.”

NASAC is a consortium of merit-based science academies in Africa and aspires to make the “voice of science” heard by policy and decision makers within Africa and worldwide. NASAC is dedicated to enhancing the capacity of existing national science academies and champions in the cause for creation of new academies where none exist.

As at December 2019, NASAC comprised of twenty eight members.

NASAC’s main objective is to bring together science academies and facilitate discussions on the scientific aspects of challenges of common concern, so as to make common statements on major issues relevant to Africa and to provide mutual support to member Academies. Drawing from this overall objective, the specific objectives of NASAC include to:

  1. Facilitate the provision of advice to governments and regional organizations on scientific aspects of issues of importance to Africa’s development.
  2. Promote cooperation between Academies in Africa by exchanging information on programmes and experiences and sharing common visions;
  3. Assist in building the capacities of Academies in Africa to improve their role as independent expert advisors to governments and to strengthen their national, regional and international functions
  4. Assist scientific communities in Africa to set up national independent Academies where such bodies do not exist;
  5. Organize conferences, workshops and symposia and issue statements or reports on topics of major concern to Africa.

In pursuing the specific objectives above NASAC collaborates with other Academies and institutions or organizations within and outside Africa to undertake initiatives or activities geared towards sustainable development in Africa.

NASAC believes that science is essential to the economic, social and cultural development of Africa. Acting from this belief, NASAC activities are continually geared towards:

  1. Assisting its membership make the voice of African science heard by African decision-makers and decision-makers worldwide; and
  2. Supporting its membership to contribute to science and technology capacity  enhancement in all African countries.
  • President: Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou
  • Executive Director: Jackie Kado

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