“Optics & Photonics for a better World”

The objective of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) is to contribute, on an international basis, to the progress of the science of optics and photonics and their applications. It emphasises the unity of the crossdisciplinary field of optics.

Optics and photonics are defined as the fields of science and engineering encompassing the physical phenomena and technologies associated with the generation, transmission, manipulation, detection, and utilisation of light. It extends on both sides of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum as far as the same concepts apply.

In particular, the ICO promotes international cooperation and facilitates the rapid exchange of information, by encouraging and furthering the organisation, on an international basis, of scientific meetings and summer schools. It emphasises actions for the education and training in optics and photonics internationally. It undertakes special actions for the development of optics and photonics in regions where particular support is needed. It strives to improve the recognition of optics and photonics as fields of science with a significant impact on economy. It works also for the promotion of international agreements on nomenclature, units, symbols and standards.

  • President: John C. Howell
  • Past-President: Roberta Ramponi
  • Secretary General: Humberto Michinel
  • Treasurer: Joseph Niemela
  • Associate Secretary: Adrian Podoleanu

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