“Advancing knowledge for the benefit of society”

The National Centre for Scientific Research is an interdisciplinary public research organisation under the administrative supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.


The French state has entrusted the CNRS with the role of advancing knowledge for the benefit of society. The organisation seeks to accomplish this national mission while respecting ethical rules and showing commitment to professional equality.

1. Conduct scientific research

The CNRS conducts “research that is in the interest of science as well as the technological, social, and cultural advancement of the country”. Oriented toward the common good, this research approach is multidisciplinary in nature, long-term in outlook, and open to the unknown.

2. Transfer research results

The CNRS’s aim is for society to benefit from the advances it achieves, whether they relate to technologies, sustainable development, or societal issues. Numerous measures for technology transfer and application have been implemented to that effect, notably with industrial partners.

3. Share knowledge

The CNRS gives access to research results and data, for they are part of our common heritage. This sharing of knowledge is intended for different audiences, including the scientific community, the media, and the general public.

4. Train through research

Knowledge is also transmitted through training and the conduct of research, with the CNRS welcoming hundreds of future researchers, PhD students, and postdoctoral fellows in its laboratories each year.

5. Contribute to scientific policy

The CNRS participates in the national research strategy with its partners, notably at major French university locations. It also carries out evaluations and expert assessments on scientific matters.

  • President and CEO: Antoine Petit
  • Chief Research Officer: Alain Schuhl
  • Chief Resource Officer: Christophe Coudroy
  • Chief Technology Transfer Officer: Jean-Luc Moullet

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