“For a relevant strengthening and a fruitful development of Mathematics in Africa, to meet the requirements and expectations of this new millennium”
The African Mathematical Union has been founded in Rabat, in July 1976, during the first Pan African Congress of Mathematicians. Its creation has been prepared during several meetings of African mathematicians that took place during the early 1970s in and outside Africa.
- Coordinating and promoting the quality of teaching, research and outreach activities in all areas of mathematical sciences throughout Africa;
- Advancing mathematical research and education includes efforts and contributions toward the economic, social and cultural development of the continent.
For full achievement
- Collaborating with other scientific organizations inside and outside Africa pursuing similar goals;
- Developing fruitful collaboration with the Business and Industry world;
- Adressing challenges in Science, technology and Innovation in Africa.
- President: Nouzha El Yacoubi
- Secretary General: Leonard Todjhounde
- Treasurer: El Hassan Zerouali