Discussion à l’Assemblé Générale des Nations Unies

L’événement spécial du 24 mai 2023, convoqué sous les auspices du président de l’Assemblée générale, pour célébrer l’Année internationale au siège de l’ONU, facilitera un échange entre les experts et les délégués sur la façon dont les sciences fondamentales, ainsi que d’autres sciences et technologies, peuvent aider à construire une nouvelle approche pour la résolution…

From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections

ISC organizes a webinar as part of its Distinguished Lectures Series: “From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections”.  Despite improved understanding of global and regional climate change and increased model complexity, the relative contribution of different feedbacks (clouds, ocean circulation, vegetation and its coupling with water and carbon cycles, ice…) continues to…

XV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Science for Sustainable Development”

It is expected that scientists, educators, and students in the field of ecology, sustainable development, natural resources management, chemistry, chemical technology, sociology, economics, and management will take part in the conference. The work of the conference will be organized in sections: – Environment and Sustainable Development; – Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development: – from Fundamental…

Sciences fondamentales et développement soutenable : que faudrait-il changer dans nos recherches ?

La journée interroge la situation des sciences fondamentales dans le contexte du développement soutenable : fertilisations croisées, nouvelle dimension de l’éthique, soutenabilité des actions de recherche. Articulation entre savoirs fondamentaux et soutenabilité, éthique scientifique à l’heure de la crise écologique, pratiques de la recherche seront discutés sous forme d’interventions et de tables rondes de scientifiques…

Fundamental Life Science meets Climate, Environment and Sustainability – Science Summit

Basic research studies that are transdisciplinary in nature, create partnerships across the life sciences, social sciences, and environmental sciences and can greatly accelerate our transition to a more sustainable world. To support such collaborations, we need the support of policymakers, science funding leaders, universities, and those in government. In 2023, HFSP aims to be the…

Annual Conference of the African Astronomical Society

The AfAS annual conference focuses on the science, outreach, communication, and education activities emanating from Astronomy in Africa. It seeks to enhance further collaborations among countries in Africa and the rest of the world. It also focuses on the status of astronomy infrastructure, the International Astronomical Union General Assembly in Cape Town in 2024 (IAU-GA2024),…