Sciences fondamentales et développement soutenable : que faudrait-il changer dans nos recherches ?

La journée interroge la situation des sciences fondamentales dans le contexte du développement soutenable : fertilisations croisées, nouvelle dimension de l’éthique, soutenabilité des actions de recherche. Articulation entre savoirs fondamentaux et soutenabilité, éthique scientifique à l’heure de la crise écologique, pratiques de la recherche seront discutés sous forme d’interventions et de tables rondes de scientifiques…

Networking in Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development

<p>The initiate is to form a network from different discipline in basic science. Networking or collaborations among different groups are necessary for the development of sciences.</p> <p>Our plan is to invite researchers from different field such as chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, botany, microbiology, engineering, medicine and public health expert. Experts will be invited for their potential…

The discovery of DNA structure: impact on life in the planet, human development and wellbeing

At a time when scientists are urged to develop high technologies, a question immediately arises – What technology can be developed/improved without the contribution of basic sciences? It is impossible to run without putting one ́s feet on the ground. Likewise, it is impossible to develop new and reliable technologies without the knowledge derived from…

Impact of research in science education. Addressing the need for a knowledge-based society

This expert seminar was organized by Estonian Academy of Sciences and University of Tartu, supported by Horizon 2020 Twinning project “Addressing Attractiveness of Science Career Awareness” (SciCar). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952470. SciCar – a science education project – addresses…