What it takes to be a sustainable country in basic sciences
Through this forum, we aim to share the important role that the basic sciences can play in sustainable development(e.g., policies for advancing basic sciences and raising future generations of scientists).
Hourly Schedule
- - 15:00
- Opening
JongHae Keum (President-Korean Mathematical Society-Korea Basic Science Association), Michel Spiro, President, IUPAP, Chair, Steering Committee of IYBSSD2022, Woo Il Lee (President-KOFST)
- - 15:15
- Plenary lecture
- Basic Science and Korea
Se-Jung Oh (President-Seoul National University)
- Significance of the UN International Year of Basic Sciences for SustainableDevelopment and the Future of Basic Sciences
Jung-Il Jin (Emeritus Professor-Korea University)
- - 16:15
- Panel Discussion
Byeong Uk Park (President-The Korean Statistical Society), JongHae Keum (President-Korean Mathematical Society-Korea Basic Science Association), Ok Sang Jung (Former President-The Korean Chemical Society), Tae Won Noh (President-The Korean Physical Society), Yu Yi (President-Korea Geoscience Union)
- - 16:55
- Discussion, Q&A
Byeong Uk Park (President-The Korean Statistical Society)
JongHae Keum (President-Korean Mathematical Society-Korea Basic Science Association)
Jung-Il Jin (Emeritus Professor-Korea University)
Se-Jung Oh (President-Seoul National University)
Seokmin Shin (Former President-The Korean Chemical Society)
Tae Won Noh (President-The Korean Physical Society)
Woo Il Lee (President-KOFST)
Yu Yi (President-Korea Geoscience Union)