Graasp Climate : Simulations to investigate the science of global warming at school
The Graasp Climate initiative develops simulations allowing school students to investigate the basic science behind the greenhouse effect and global warming at various school levels : middle school, high school and universities.
These simulations are designed to tackle common misconceptions reported in the climate education literature and are based on concepts of the basic science curricula (see e.g. Varela 2020).
They can be run in a browser and embedded in a web-based learning platform such as, to create student-centered active learning activities and foster 21-st century skills.
We already developed and tested in the classroom three simulations that are freely available in our website, allowing students to discover fundamental ingredients to build a model of the climatic greenhouse effect (the emission of electromagnetic radiation by an oscillating charge, thermal radiation by the Earth and the interaction of radiation with atmospheric molecules).
Actions of the project during the IYBSSD :
* Develop a fourth simulation to integrate the concepts targeted by the three first simulations and thereby provide a complete set of four coherent simulations allowing students to understand/model global warming.
* Carry out activities in schools using our simulations (sciences courses at middle school Bélvédère, physics courses at Gymnase du Bugnon and University of Geneva) + Evaluate the immediate impact on common misconceptions
* Spread the use of our simulations online (publishing, contacting researchers in climate education)
* Organize a teacher workshop at HEP (biggest teacher school in French Switzerland)
* Publish a report article describing the 4 simulations, the scientific concepts behind the simulations and the statistics of impact in school
* Start the design of further simulations dealing with the consequences of global warming involving chemistry and geography teachers