Nature Education for Students of Tribal Schools of Gujarat

The programme aims create awareness and understanding of nature, empathy for the environment and also conservation of nature. Through this program, students and teachers will explore nature and trigger their sensitivity towards appreciation and its conservation, which will lead to positive environmental actions at different levels. About 80 students and 20 teachers (4 students and…

1st International multidisciplinary symposium Geopark & Sciences – From Research to Geotourism

This Symposium is an event of the UNESCO International Geoscience Programme project IGCP 737-SMART (Smart Geology for Better Community – Integrating Geological Heritage of South-eastern Europe into Sustainable Development Strategies). The special celebration of International Geodiversity Day will take place on 6th October as part of the Symposium programme. The Symposium aims to connect scientists…

Evidence of the Impact of Science Education in Attracting Young People Towards Science Studies and Science-related Careers

Europe seeks to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy, good education and training are important to promote sustained economic growth and sustainable development through fuelling research and development and addressing innovation, productivity and competitiveness. In our increasingly scientific and technological world, the science workforce in Europe, is decreasing. Frequently school science curricula are not…

Observation du système Terre : Les enjeux de l’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés

Ce colloque focalise sur l’approche interdisciplinaire de l’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés dans un soucis de partager les approches d’observations, de les reconnaitre et de souligner leur importance pour des approches à court, moyen et long terme. Toutes les disciplines contribuent aux efforts d’observation des milieux naturels et anthropisés, et les apports et collaborations…

Chemist is Cool

In order to demonstrate the positive spirit of chemistry scientists and to highlight the chemistry, a basic science, the Chinese Chemical Society held the “Chemist is Cool” event. The research group is the most basic unit to carry out scientific research. Whether it is a few people, dozens of people to hundreds of people, each…