The 7th edition of the biennial African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications & Quarks to Cosmos Africa
The central long-term objective of the ASP School is to help improve higher education in Africa across national borders and in doing so, to contribute in a significant way to the development of science and technology on this continent.
The ASP2022 program includes activities for high school educators and learners. This year we will also be celebrating the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development as well as the 100 Years of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). For the latter, we will focus on what physics has done for development in Africa.
Some students participating in the ASP2022 will continue with the Quarks to Cosmos Africa Programme – an annual Mandela University-National Institute for Theoretical Physics Internship Programme which will focus on IYBSSD. The in-person session of the Q2C Africa programme will end on the 22nd of December 2022. The virtual sessions will resume from February to July 2023.