π-HuB: The Proteomic Navigator of the Human Body
The Proteomic Navigator of the Human Body (π-HuB Project) is an international project supported by Chinese MOST, aimed to characterize the entire lifetime human proteome (the complete set of proteins encoded by a particular genome) systematically, insight the nature and rebuild an epoch-breaking digit human body navigation system, and subsequently create the new paradigm of the Phronesis Medicine.
The project will gather global top scientists, scientific and technological strengths and resources in many related fields. Here we will grandly introduce the project to the whole world by publishing the white paper, live presentations and signing MoU with international partners.
More detailed about our goals and strategies, S&T roadmap, organization and far-reaching significances to promote basic sciences, industries and benefits of human health. We sincerely welcome all of you to join us for this great endeavor.
Activities: Live Presentations and White Paper Released
The leader of the π-HuB project will give a special speech to initiate the project in the scientific community worldwide. Meanwhile, the details about the π-HuB project will be shown in the media like the international authorirative journals and global mainstream media.
Time: May 8, 2023 08:00 AM Beijing, Shanghai
Live link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88662557623?pwd=YlhlbnhJSXZEVTkxMjZ0YnUxQUhidz09