XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Científica – CIEDUC 2022
The Congress hosted by the UNESCO Chair of Scientific Education for Latin America and the Caribbean is held biannually rotating the host in the University members of the Chair, This year Guatemala will host the event in a hybrid modality, seeking to spark discussions around the new normality, Science Didactics, STEAM models to be implemented and to renew the public policies in light of recent developments.
High-Quality Basic Science education after the current situation will be instrumental to nurture the proper conditions for a new generation of scientists, capable of promoting Sustainable development in the region. The region, rich in natural resources and human talent needs to harvest that talent with proper scientific education that allows citizens of all the countries involved to acquire the necessary skills and abilities to face the coming challenges in the next years.
Regionally we seek to promote quality education for all, therefore the Rural Area network of Women Educators will have a space to dialogue, exchange opportunities, and ideas, and see new developments in the region. Access to Quality education, regardless of gender, origin, ethnicity, and economic factors should be a priority for the authorities, leaders, and decision-makers. We seek to involve everybody in a high-level discussion to seek better opportunities in the region.