Science for Sustainability – an open dialogue in a key moment of global mobilization towards sustainability
What role does science play in helping humanity navigate major challenges? How can we leverage basic science research in a way that maximizes benefit for humankind and advances progress for all?
To answer these questions, the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD) encourages exchanges between scientists and groups from a wide range of grassroots communities, political decision-makers and international leaders, as well as associations, students and local authorities.
Join Prof. Prajval Shastri (Vice Chair of the IYBSSD Steering and Advisory Committee and Adjunct Professor at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research), community from TRIUMF (Canada’s particle accelerator centre), and esteemed colleagues from TRIUMF’s national network of collaborators for a panel discussion and audience conversation on basic sciences, research and innovation, and sustainability.
– Prof. Prajval Shastri (Vice-Chair, IYBSSD)
– Dr. Nigel Smith (CEO + Executive Director, TRIUMF)
– Prof. Dugan O’Neil (Vice-president Research and International, Simon Fraser University)
– Hilary Travis (Director, BC, Foresight Cleantech Accelerator and former policy advisor)
– Kim Lawrence (VP, Talent & Customer Experience, Ideon Technologies)
Kathryn Hayashi (CEO, TRIUMF Innovations)
We’ll also be engaging with a Youth Council, comprised of students and researchers from across TRIUMF’s member university network.