SAIP2022 – 67th Annual Conference of the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP)
SAIP2022 coincides with and will celebrate three main events, which are the International Year on Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022), the 100th anniversary of the formation of IUPAP to which South Africa is a founding member. In view of the IYBSSD we would also like to single out the Winter schools whose topics, one on bridging the gap between industry and academia and the other, on use of biophysics to tackle public health problems, are topical. In addition, we will have a physics in industry day, and a video competition on how physics improves quality of life. In view of the 100th anniversary of IUPAP we invite you to the SAIP Day where we look at past, present and the future of SAIP contribution to physics development in South Africa.
Expected Outcomes:
• Talks at SAIP will be linked to SDGs – presenters are encouraged to link how their research will contribute to SDGs.
• Physics become aware that they are not doing research for the sake of knowledge generation but to also contribute to development.
• University students participating in video competition will become aware of how their research contributes to development.
• The winter schools – one on bridging the gap between industry and academia and the other, on using biophysics to tackle public health problems will enable knowledge sharing in topical development matters.