Africa Science Week
Breaking Barriers, Inspiring Scientific Excellence
The African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), with the support of the Henry Luce Foundation (HLF), announces today the launch of the Africa Science Week (ASW) of the Next Einstein Forum (NEF), which will take place simultaneously in 10 African countries from 19th to 28th of June 2023.
This Pan African public engagement edition is themed “Breaking Barriers, Inspiring Scientific Excellence” and its focus is on promoting women in STEM across different African countries.
Led by NEF Ambassadors this new edition will take place in 10 African countries including Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, Somaliland, South Africa and Tanzania.
Recognised as STEM champions in their respective communities and countries, the NEF Ambassadors will carry out activities with the contribution of identified partners in their academic and research communities and public and private sector organisations. Passionate about STEM, these young leaders will organize several events, such as exhibitions and scientific caravans, robotics competitions, round tables and innovative academic conferences accompanied by movie nights.
The overall objective of each edition of the ASW is to inspire and empower the next generation of female scientists, engineers, and innovators in Africa. Through a series of interactive sessions, the event will promote the discovery of science and technology in Africa and globally and encourage the participation of youth in coordinated science events across the continent.
This edition of the NEF Africa Science Week is made possible through the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation, a private philanthropic organization committed to enriching public discourse and encouraging the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and creativity. The foundation’s partnership with AIMS underscores its dedication to advancing scientific knowledge, promoting education, and empowering individuals in Africa and beyond.
The NEF Africa Science Week is a collaborative effort involving different entities of AIMS across its network, and various partners who are passionate about promoting science education and innovation. By bringing together leading scientists, researchers, educators, policymakers, and industry professionals, the event seeks to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and drive scientific progress on the African continent.
Building upon the success of past editions, AIMS invites the members of the media to join us in celebrating the NEF Africa Science Week and highlighting the remarkable achievements of women in science. Media coverage will contribute to raising awareness about the importance of science education, inspiring the next generation of African scientists, and fostering global scientific collaborations.