Fossil Fuel Phase Out and Climate Futures: Bringing Together the Policy and Science of Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

The Fossil Fuel Phase Out and Climate Futures conference builds on the expanding climate science and growing policy momentum toward the need for global fossil fuel phase out. The COP26 Glasgow climate pact called for “accelerat[ing] efforts towards the phasedown of unabated coal power and phase out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies”, and climate policy…

Sciences fondamentales et développement soutenable : que faudrait-il changer dans nos recherches ?

La journée interroge la situation des sciences fondamentales dans le contexte du développement soutenable : fertilisations croisées, nouvelle dimension de l’éthique, soutenabilité des actions de recherche. Articulation entre savoirs fondamentaux et soutenabilité, éthique scientifique à l’heure de la crise écologique, pratiques de la recherche seront discutés sous forme d’interventions et de tables rondes de scientifiques…

The 7th edition of the biennial African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications & Quarks to Cosmos Africa

The central long-term objective of the ASP School is to help improve higher education in Africa across national borders and in doing so, to contribute in a significant way to the development of science and technology on this continent. The ASP2022 program includes activities for high school educators and learners. This year we will also…

Challenges, policies and opportunities to implement gender equality in basic sciences as a key factor to build up excellence in the scientific landscape

According to EU data, basic science remains a male-dominated field, with a very low presence of women, ranging from 5 to 15%. Thus, in line with EU policies for the coming years, there is an urgent need to bridge this gap through structural and cultural changes. A specific session will be dedicated to IYBSSD at…

Undergraduate Research Symposium

The annual University of Oregon Undergraduate Research Symposium hosts approximately 400 students and their research mentors to present their original research and creative work from across the disciplines in multiple formats ranging from poster and oral presentations to demonstrations, exhibits, and interactive sessions. Since the debut of the Symposium in 2011 the event has hosted…

Physics Without Frontiers Turns 10!

Outreach programme to celebrate a decade of inspiring the pursuit of science Physics Without Frontiers (PWF), ICTP’s flagship outreach programme for university students, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. What started as one physics master class roadshow by a small group of volunteer scientists from ICTP and CERN for university students in Palestine has…