We already told you about TROP-ICSU (aka Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding), lead by IUBS and the International Union for Quaternary Science. ISC three-year funding ended at the end of 2019, and a recent blog post by ISC (a partner of IYBSSD 2022) reports on the main results.
Three achievements are highlighted:
- creation of approximately 150 free teaching tools for educators around the globe to integrate into their curriculum;
- creation and publication of more than 65 free and easily accessible detailed lesson plans across the world that teachers can use in their classrooms/laboratories to teach topics in their discipline;
- organization of 14 TROP ICSU workshops for 650 high school and undergraduate-level teachers in 9 countries across the globe, and 4 TROP ICSU workshops for approximately 54 climate experts.
TROP-ICSU is no longer funded by ISC. This will not prevent it from continuing, as explained to ISC L.S. Shashidhara, President of IUBS and Director of the programme. Its future objectives include:
- translating the teaching materials in as many languages as possible, and adapting them to the context of different countries;
- the continuation of the teacher training workshops on an international scale;
- the production of synopses for video course production (which we are currently seeing as very useful!).
This initiative, which focuses on climate change, could be transposed to other SDGs. A reflection to be carried within the framework of IYBSSD 2022!